GPSD Residency Requirements During COVID-19
The Greenville Public School District is still required to enroll and withdraw students based on current MDE and local board policies. If you are registering due to concerns about COVID-19, please follow the process below.
We're glad you have decided to enroll in the Greenville Public School District! The steps below are what you can expect as you go through the enrollment process. If you ever get stuck or need help
Email: askgpsd.k12.ms.us
Call: 662-334-7000.
Operation hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Parents seeking to enroll or withdraw students due to COVID-19 should do so based on the steps and requirements listed below:
How to Enroll (K-12)
Elementary and Secondary Students
Step 1: Review enrollment, transfer, residence and immunization requirements – Please review the following requirements prior to registering your child. Required residency and immunization must be met before admission.
Students suspended or expelled from another school or school district may not be allowed to enroll. ‘37-15-9 (3). Students who wish to re-enroll to graduate that previously dropped out due to the EOC test not being a requirement as a result of COVID-19 will not be eligible to graduate the 2020 school year.
Step 2: Review requirements and begin online fillable GPSD Active Parent Application. Once application is complete, and scanned or emailed back to the email address listed, then an Active-Parent Code will be requested and emailed to the parent. When parent receives the Active Parent Code, he will proceed to greenville.activeparent.net. Enter the code and proceed to complete online registration.
Step 3: Submit your verification student registration documents by email or scan using your phone or take a picture and email the information. Scan required student registration documents using iPhone & Android devices:
To scan documents on your phone:
go the Home screen and open Notes. Tap the + icon at the bottom of the page, and select Scan Documents from the list of the options. This should launch your phone's camera. When the camera detects the document you want to scan, it will highlight it in yellow on the screen. Press the capture button to "scan" the document and save it to your phone.